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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

We are but embers around a cosmic flame

I feel so strongly about these things that im urged to to note them digitally.
Speaking with my cousin jamil recently.
I was reminded of an idea that has matured in my mind

For decades ive looked for a way to describe the human spirit
That didn't rely on invisible deities or animal spirits...

It occurred to me that we are simply carbon
 energized by the sun, feeding off its heat until
I burn out well before it...
Yea, i am, you are, we are..
Embers ...
( now we can extrapolate our consciousness along that line )

We are points of perspective
Who glow with radiant heat.
We leave foot prints of heat where we step.

The air around us is disturbed by our heat
Rising like smoke ...we find comfort there...
Between extremes...

But this is not our spirit...
Our operating system...
What is normal in a system built to randomize
Common traits??

The traits themselves..
Imagine fairy the ones my daughter
 chases through the park.

Imagine each point around that wish
being a skill, passion, ability,
Each set to its own level of
maturity, development, and proficiency
Simply by the length of its point and
its position  relative to its center.....

Surround this center point with points to measure
I like to think these are rays of light / vibration
And you have an active rendering of a human spirit.

Colors are an emotional display and are
like octopuss’s skin , on constant display.

So each point as its developed it grows to new lengths and of course
The things we do more and favor
have longer rays

When we meet someone
Rays can line up with and cross points
on many levels we call that a connection
When they effect each others vibe
We call that love...
If the effect is positive
Their resonance will reproduce
A new perspective

If they shake each other apart
Its the least sympathetic that survives
With the least damage
In what ever way it manifest

Some people grow from discomfort
Some shatter.

As we live on the earth and
everything we live off of
in some way comes from the sun
We are constantly circling the sun
as it moves through the milky way.

Our path is that of a spiral within a spiral.
We are conscious carbon embers
circling our cosmic flame
Catching and making vibes
Along the way

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