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Friday, December 15, 2006

Worlds Largest Blog Dedicated to Hope

I see promises in your rejection
smiles in your lips
The possibilities,
wide open
the opportunity
the longevity

and time just carries on

the temptation
i should be walking
the hesitation
we do not mention
the desire to inhale your flesh

unknown, unbound, unwound
surround, compounds of the profound
and , infinite resolutions stiffen my resolve

Twisted, I'd ripped it
tore it from my being
without seeing and not
knowing that caring is a sin...

I know when you need me
you will know what to do
call me up - we'll go drinking
and make our own voodoo

every day your life is calling
every day God touches your soul
broken hearts and their mourning
Will make the heart grow cold

you got to be wise to your calling
listen close to what life has to sell
when your heart is collapsing
you will have many stories to tell

every story has it's pain
every person a point of view
and wherever you're standing
you know just what to do

poor hurt thing
vicious in your pain
i hope to see you soon
when you open up again

You precious beautiful Delicate!
come slowly into view
come smile and see
the poetry in what we do

Your smile brings a joy
that I wish only i could share
but i wish even harder
to touch that part that cares

Not now while it's mending
for healing hearts never ring true
I'll wait till it's healed - truth revealed-
then your heart won't be so cruel

we can have our quiet nights
and often a select morning
we can pretend to fight
just to keep love pouring

Dripping down the sides
of our shiny matching cups
we'll pretend it's boring being quiet
and then fake a fuss

I know you feel the calling
cause i see it in your eyes
your heart lifted and souring
will tell us both why

Why when you feel the truth
and your scared - too scared to cry
why you'd rather call him
when he does not care - why


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