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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Youth of two truths

Growing up In Queens, in the 70's. I was protected by a blanket of love provided by both my mother and my grandmother. There was pride, and there was the fear of the outside world turning me into something less than their love allowed me to be.

During this time, there were many ugly realities, racism, drugs, teen pregnancy, unemployment etc. While growing up in Springfield Gardens just outside of Rochdale Village all I knew, fortunately, was my grandmothers back yard.

Green grass and many fruit trees - we had a cherry tree, crab and granny apple trees, a fig tree, and what I thought was a vast back yard. This was where I spent time looking under rocks at the lives of animals and creatures going about their business and gave me an understanding of what god provides for us all down to the smallest of his creatures... How we use what he provides - that defines our happiness...

This is what I understood too, that the world was a strange and unkind place. I
I was introduced to the world by the wisdom of my teen mom and the circles she traveled.. The punks thugs and victims were everywhere when we walked the streets... first in Springfield Gardens, then in Far Rockaway, but that story will come later.

Suffice to say today I understand another truth. That what god provides to us, and what we desire for ourselves are two different things. God gives us needs and bounty to satisfy. We give ourselves boundaries, desires, limits and wants that often have little or no benifit to our lives. The more we want, seek and desire the less our needs are being met.

How can one starve and be hungry for only photos of food?
How can one be sad and not seek joy but betrayal in happiness?
How can one be thirsty and seek only to drink sea water?
How can one leave pain only to return to it - in stead of embrassing the pleasure of honest love?
How can one be lonely and chase away those who only want to be close?

In my youth I didn't understand it.
In my maturity I'm confused by it.

In love - I did it

I guess all things come full circle, if you live long enough...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The way things go 1

Friggin awesome video clip - saw this once when i was younger - never forgot the name - because it just fit..
again 3 am at my uncles house - this time on channel 13 lol

always leaves me speechless...
talk about a better mouse trap!!

this could be a human trap - just picture some poor unfortunate soul sleeping on a couch behind all those fumes form chemical reactions

Monday, December 18, 2006

New suit and tie

I was lucky enough to have a good friend
bless me with the hottest suit I've ever worn.

Don't sound like a big deal - but if you only knew..

attached is a picture of me - loving the fabric!

Friendships are as strange as people come.

"... Some help give you guidance, while others lead you astray..."

Anyone who flips for a suit like this is a true blue in my book.

Thanks LB!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Worlds Largest Blog Dedicated to Hope

I see promises in your rejection
smiles in your lips
The possibilities,
wide open
the opportunity
the longevity

and time just carries on

the temptation
i should be walking
the hesitation
we do not mention
the desire to inhale your flesh

unknown, unbound, unwound
surround, compounds of the profound
and , infinite resolutions stiffen my resolve

Twisted, I'd ripped it
tore it from my being
without seeing and not
knowing that caring is a sin...

I know when you need me
you will know what to do
call me up - we'll go drinking
and make our own voodoo

every day your life is calling
every day God touches your soul
broken hearts and their mourning
Will make the heart grow cold

you got to be wise to your calling
listen close to what life has to sell
when your heart is collapsing
you will have many stories to tell

every story has it's pain
every person a point of view
and wherever you're standing
you know just what to do

poor hurt thing
vicious in your pain
i hope to see you soon
when you open up again

You precious beautiful Delicate!
come slowly into view
come smile and see
the poetry in what we do

Your smile brings a joy
that I wish only i could share
but i wish even harder
to touch that part that cares

Not now while it's mending
for healing hearts never ring true
I'll wait till it's healed - truth revealed-
then your heart won't be so cruel

we can have our quiet nights
and often a select morning
we can pretend to fight
just to keep love pouring

Dripping down the sides
of our shiny matching cups
we'll pretend it's boring being quiet
and then fake a fuss

I know you feel the calling
cause i see it in your eyes
your heart lifted and souring
will tell us both why

Why when you feel the truth
and your scared - too scared to cry
why you'd rather call him
when he does not care - why


Thursday, December 07, 2006


I discovered Tenacious D years ago at my uncles house at 3am on HBO.
Yes that's Jack Black - but way before anyone gave a damn it was just him and his main man on stage and you had to imagine it all !

This dude got my attention for his passion alone..
Everything this band does is a spoof - but the quality of the material - even if it is 20 years too late is excellent!
moral of the story of wonder boy?
NEVER THINK SMALL rize above the mucky muck!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

just a way to share with strangers

Name:Deo Ism
Birthdate:March Forth
Birthplace:Dinosaur heaven - Human hell.
Current Location:New York City
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Black
Height:6 foot
Weight:Light in the ass
PiercingsEars and nipple - only using ears right now.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:Currently in Negotiations
Overused Phraze: Yo - before and after every sentence- YO..
Alcohol Drink:d'oh!
Bagel:creme chese with coffee
Body Part on Opposite sex: A good mind can make all the difference
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:SPRITE
McDonalds or BurgerKing:SUBWAYS
Strawberry or Watermelon:WATERMELLON ( not to be racist)
Hot tea or Ice tea: iced please
Chocolate or VanillaVanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Coffee
Kiss or Hug:Bootie Squeeze
Dog or Cat:Cat
Rap or Punk:Funk / Jazz
Summer or Winter:Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:Funny
Love or Money:Currently open to discussion
Bedtime:after my work is done
Most Missed Memory: My first apartment
Best phyiscal feature:My brain
First Thought Waking Up:What was the last thing i was working on....
Goal for this - live and earning
Best Friends:few and far apart
Longest relationship:Not long enough
Ever Drank:Yup
Ever Smoked:Yup
Ever been Drunk:Yup
Ever been beaten up:Yup
Ever beaten someone up:Nope
Ever Shoplifted:Yep
Ever Skinny Dipped:Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:Every chance I
Been Dumped Lately:Stood up, Forgotten, Dumped and redumped...
Favorite Eye Color:human
Favorite Hair Color:human
Short or Long:both have their joys
Height:Shorter than me
Looks or Personality:Personality of course
Hot or CuteCute... Hot is too much drama
Drugs and Alcohol:some...
Muscular or Really Skinny:Not an extremist - somewhere in the middle
Number of Regrets in the Past:countless
What country do you want to Visit:Amster-damn! AGAIN
How do you want to Die:Never seeing it comming
Been to the Mall Lately:Downtown Brooklyn
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Get along with your Parents:next question
Health Freak:nahhh
Do you think your Attractive:occasionally
Believe in Yourself:Who else will if i don't.
Want to go to College:Been there - and will again
Do you Smoke:Yup
Do you Drink:Yup
Shower Daily:one way or another..
Been in Love:ya....and i aint looking for it..
Do you Sing:nope - i play the drums
Want to get Married:been there done that...
Do you want Children:YES
Have your future kids names planned out:Devon = if it's a boy or a girl
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:40
Hate anyone:Only those who hate me...


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


How do you know when it's not time to trust?
When the same thing happens over and over again.

How does a lady disagree with you.
In a way that doesn't take away from your person.

How do you fall in love with two?
You dont stop at one

How do you know when it's ok to care
when you've never heard 'I DON'T CARE'

How can you trust someone who doesnt respect you?
Trust them to do the wrong thing, anticipate it...

How can you respect someone who doesnt trust you?
By giving them their space a level eye and a patient ear...
(They will always hint to you what they will do, you just have to listen)

How do you know she won't be a supportive wife
She's a demanding girlfriend

How do you know she want's to spend the holidays with you?
She invites you to share them with her.

How can a man treat a woman like a lady
It helps if she knows she's a lady

How do you know she wont respect you and your ways
She has no ways of her own but relies on the wind for direction

How do you say leave me alone
Dont answer the phone

How do you break up with an ex....

How do you know when it's time to let go.
When your arms are tired from holding all the hope.

How do you know when it's time to be quiet.
When you repeat yourself every 3 months.

How do you know when it's DONE?
When you don't have to answer the phone when it rings.



Monday, October 02, 2006

Deo~isM, What the hell is that? A Cult?!?

Deo~isM is NO CULT..
perhaps it is... You decide..

Deo~isM: the commitment to be a positive force in one's own existence.

This oath assumes a commitment to one's self cannot be broken or negotiated.

It IS or it IS NOT~! There is no option to stop at ones first failed attempts.. Failure is expected.

However, every decision is an opportunity to "get it done".

It does not stop... Until you stop
It does not end... Until you end
It does not begin... Until you begin.

Mistakes are made, attempts fail, and accidents happen...But quitting is a decision....

you see, a "try" is to fail before you start!

deo 05

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Friends Vs. Brooklyn Friends

FRIENDS: Never ask for food
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad.

FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...We
fucked up...But that shit was fun!"

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.

FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Keep your sh*t so long they forget it's yours.

FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"

FRIENDS: Are for a while.

FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and
say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that, you know we don't waste!!"

FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out!!

FRIENDS: Will ignore this.
ALL BROOKLYN FRIENDS: Will make sure other Brooklyn Friends read this and try to prove who's from queens! -- I say transplants COUNT!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Exquisite Truth

To enjoy the moments in life. Not only the action we enjoy but the moment that follows. For what can be just as beautiful as a bird singing - the sound of the wind beneath it's wings.

What can be more lovely than young love - the experience remembered!

Life is not a continuous flow of thinning and thickening "moments", but rather an irregular pulse of emotion and energy. One Discovers the world one step at a time, and when discoveries give way to insight, passions are aroused.

Some learn this early and excel in their passions, some learn to fake this and go through the motions of insight and passion.

Some fall into their passion with a wreckless abandon.

The Exquisite Truth:


...Because a moments courage is all it takes!!

Friday, September 01, 2006


Deliciously timelessly
she called to me
I struggled to see
through the haze of me
to hear what she said
when she called to me
I'd hoped she wanted me
as she called to me
I responded to thee.
I beg of she
call to me
so to find me!
...a lover in your eyes
as long as I remember
the places you touched
I'll never say goodbye
though the lust is true
all I have for you will
remain by my side
though you run from me
and my big love tree
the reason why you hide.
I try to keep my cool you see
to keep my heart in view
to keep from becoming what I know
a broken heart would do.

deo '05'

Imagine this....

I can imagine a day
for me it's liquid clear
I must make a switch
and ignore my fear

a chance to start off new
chance to salvage bliss
chance to change it all
this feels too good to miss

salvation, temptation, redemption
there must be more to this
how did you find your way in?
and now I've been dismissed

taking another chance
banking on faded views
hanging it all - just everything
on some vague and distant clue

no guts no glory
not ventured not gained
after you get bored
I'll never be the same

deo '05'

Chocolate You... Who????

How can I get me some chocolate?
Do I wait or do I pursue it.

Knowing the reaction of the coco,
it's probably not the best to treat myself to any...
of that fine chocolate

I ain't have none for a minute - and when I did
I got sick.
Damned shame to be sick of that sweet assed chocolate

It looks so good
shimmering in the sun.
I like my coco milky
with raisins is always fun.

I love when coco gets hot ,
it melts all in my fingers
wrapper gets all sticky
and the smell lingers.

sticky to the touch.
I does something to my mind
sweet all it's own
My desire? To find

only one chocolate bliss!

Only one way it lingers
when you remember this.
How I did I get my chocolate,
deep brown bliss?????

I got up and found, brown lips to kiss

deo '05'

Midnight Runs

Midnight runs
fill the seams
between midnight fun
and midnight dreams

star lit skies
just like these
have potential
for lifelong memories

quiet walks
on light filled streets
glimmering glasses
and wind swept trees

strange the sound
of familiar lips
conversation flows
between well placed

starting over
friends with lust
saying only - what we must

waiting , pausing
hinted trust
trust what isn't said
from dawn to dusk

come with me,
let's put steps together
soon we'll have our heads together

taking a chance once again
to hold on to a special friend

deo '05'

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

precious words

No words are as precious as those you want to hear.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Try to understand

I try to understand
what will happen
with my hope and me

how can she pass
and not chill wit this
all our fireworks
even our private kiss

passions ignite
understanding is a dream
I know deep in side
hope isn't mean

fighting to protect
a painful hurt
hope cant see me
under hardwork and dirt

standing on
left me

hope can't see the tree
just the worm in the wood

I can see hope
lonely in a crowd
reflections aren't seen
by the wounded or the proud

life's coach a jerk
don't do no good
compared to what we share
what he would if he could

hope come to me
when the healing is done
when hope wanna laugh
we'll have some fun

deo o5

Hope gives pause

Confused, refused, he paused and took a drink.
Trying to beat the tide while his heart... Sink.
Often confident and out of lies.
He faces the truth and wonders why.
How could something so sweet so beautiful so promising of joy.
Be so brutal so absolutely Real.
Like life and it's battles for existence.
She was real like teeth in a bite.
Bitter - she was sweet - because she KEPT it real.

His game was tight, his words his might -
".. Nahh, niggah, NAHHHH - you gets none tonight!..."
Her absolute strength amazed and stunned him.
Her demand commanded his respect.
Her soul demanded his attention.
He was the smallest part of the equation.

There are not enough days to cure him of her.
She runs through is blood like the drug she is to him.
she's on his mind when she's not with him, she's ruthless when she is!
They laugh, They cry, They eat, They live...
Alive with the promise no one can give.
That together they would be tomorrow and happy.

Hope in their eyes.
never on their lips
joy in their hearts
and lust touched their tips...

a brother's gotta have Hope!

Deo 05

Ramble on Desire!

So hard
impossible to reach
yet I can obtain
life teaches us to grasp
that is the game
life is hard
still now it's true
how did the first
know what to do
Creatures crawl
even worms in wood
hunger speaks
hunger is good
Desire is to man
what clouds are to rain
when the time isn't right
one should refrain
life gives us gifts
few and far between
when one receives a gift
elsewhere harvest are lean
passions keep us honest
to want perfection is RAW
don't ignore barriers
kick scratch and claw
reach for the fruit
no mater what the cost
sit and ponder too long
the whole thing is lost

deo o5

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Vamp

She was a virus in his blood
the evil in his dreams
She was poison in his drink
garbage in his stream

She was a tumor in his brain
the lonely in a crowd
She was a worm in his wood
blood on his shroud
When he needed to be near Her
She sold him on a dream
She was all he ever wanted
but never what She seemed

he ran all day to be with her
and share with her his views
She listened, laughed and destroyed him
now She is his muse

He was young and beautiful
pure of will and light
She was black and seduced him
with her power and her might

He wanted to be her everything
her lover in the night
her black heart spit at him
in a vision late one night

first She smiled, and he laughed
that's when She started,
her eyes rolled up,
her lips pulled back
and then the red seas parted

When She left late that night
his nipples red and raw
in his heart... Could it be true?
Yes! He wanted more!!

Wasn't her personality
wasn't her big black eyes
was not even that secret place
tucked between her thighs


She was a virus in his blood
the evil in his dreams
She was poison in his drink
garbage in his stream

She was a tumor in his brain
the lonely in a crowd
She was a worm in his wood
blood on his shroud


A poem for hope

Bright, the light is so beautiful
barely I see through
Thin the Vail -bright' shines through

How can longing ring so bright
and be obscured by the view

If your heart was whole
If your view was clear

Only if time had my favor
would I have your ear

When I'm in your sight
I feel like a child again

I feel like I've found
some long lost friend

so easy to speak to talk
thoughts flow and flee
You give my brow beaded sweat
and then you set me free

time stand still!
set me loose
let me escape your iron grip.

let me have this moment


let sail my ship.

strand me on an island
only her and me

only hope and 1,000 years
is all I ask of you

Let me be lost in her
her eyes
her lips
her mind
let me have what I need
to reveal to her
my kind

for she's never seen the likes of me..

hope never has to doubt me ...
for I keep my promises


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Go TO SCHOOL homeboy!!!

In this world you can play ball in a park - but studies are neglected...
You can't play ball all your life, or you can learn till the day you die..

Start spending time reading a book - and not a top 10...
Learn a language, study a computer program